187 Beiträge
Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy
The Report “Rewriting the rules of the European Economy”, authored by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, stresses that continuing on the path of recovery and preventing subsequent crises is co-dependent on the ability of the EU to revisit the decisions that led to an incomplete economic and financial governance architecture, with failing instruments that are still in place now.
Politik aktuell 2019/3 - Steuervermeidung durch multinationale Konzerne: Methoden und Gegenmaßnahmen
Dieses Politik aktuell widmet sich dem brisanten Thema der Steuervermeidung durch multinationale Unternehmen. Insbesondere die Tech-Giganten nutzen Schlupflöcher in den Steuersystemen effizient aus und bringen Staaten um erhebliche Einnahmen.
Politik aktuell 2019/2 - The Civil Society Landscape in the Republic of Moldova
In diesem Politik aktuell steht die Republik Moldau im Fokus, die, am Rande Europas gelegen, höchstens dann in die Schlagzeilen gerät, wenn, wie Anfang Juni 2019, die politischen Zerwürfnisse ein gewisses Maß überschreiten. Adrian Balutel blickt eine Ebene darunter und analysiert die Lage für die Zivilgesellschaft.
Europe-Israel Relations in the Digital Era - Insights from the Conference on "Israel-Europe Relations in the Digital Era: Economics, Security, And Political Engagement"
The international conference on the subject of “Israel-Europe Relations in the Digital Era: Economics, Security, and Political Engagement”, which took place in November 2018 in Tel Aviv, Israel, was jointly organised by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, the Macro Center for Political Economics, the Institute for National Security Studies, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, and the Karl Renner Institute.
Politik aktuell 2019/1 - EU-Wahl 2019: Trends und Entwicklungen in den großen Mitgliedstaaten
Nach der EU-Wahl am 26. Mai 2019 ist das Europäische Parlament bunter zusammengesetzt als je zuvor. Die Europäische Volkspartei und die Sozialdemokrat:innen müssen erhebliche Verluste hinnehmen, wobei letztere besser als prognostiziert abschnitten.
#11 Gespräch - mit Dani Rodrik
Über die Grenzen der Globalisierung und eine neue Wirtschaftspolitik (English)
#08 Lecture - mit Andrea Pető
Angriff auf die Wissenschaft, Angriff auf die Freiheit (Englisch)
Acting European: Identity, Belonging and the EU of Tomorrow - FEPS YAN Europeanness and Identity Working Group
The growth in the success of Eurosceptic parties at the national and international level has led EU actors to recognise that continued support for the project requires strengthening bottom-up ownership of the Union, namely by strengthening a sense of European belonging.
European Economic Democracy: A new path out of the crisis - FEPS YAN Political Economy Working Group
This paper discusses the challenges that the EU faces in relation to economic democracy and work. The first part of this paper looks at the need for political alternatives against the background of the failure of current strategies to tackle the increasing social and economic inequalities that have been exacerbated by the financial, economic and social crisis that started in 2008.
Stuck on the Rubicon? ‘Socializing’ the European Semester through the European Pillar of Social Rights - FEPS YAN Social Europe Working Group
The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) is the Commission’s flagship initiative to achieve the objective of a ‘social triple-A’ for the European Union. First introduced in the 2015 State of the Union address, the Pillar has become a reality in the EU legal and policy framework in April 2017, with the presentation of a package of acts and documents forming its backbone.