176 Beiträge
The Political Construction of the Full-face Veil Debate - FEPS YAN EU Identity Working Group
Most recently, the Austrian government legislated to prohibit the wearing of the face veils in public areas. This paper will explore these five cases to better understand why the wearing of face-covering veils in the public sphere has been outlawed.
Multilayer democratic reforms as a response to European crisis - FEPS YAN Democracy Working Group
Gathered in Vienna in the early autumn of 2017, a group of academic enthusiasts within the FEPS YAN have focused their research on multilayer democratic reforms as a response to European crisis. Although all of them had different starting points of research, the “reform” was the cut crossing edge that collected them for joint work.
How can the EU contribute to better transnational economic governance? - FEPS YAN Working Group Transnational Economic Governance
Global challenges today require integrated and coordinated responses through transnational and European cooperation. In this paper, we analyze challenges to transnational and European governance in the areas of global value chains, climate change and corporate taxation.
Initiative "Young Generations for the New Balkans 2030: Towards Alternative Horizons"
Die Initiative „Young Generations for the New Balkans 2030: Towards Alternative Horizons” stellt die Jugend des Westbalkans und ihre Hoffnungen in den Mittelpunkt. In Workshops und öffentlichen Veranstaltungen diskutieren wir die Situation auf dem Westbalkan und erarbeiten politische Empfehlungen.
When the World is Out of Joint - A Progressive Critique of European Foreign Policy
This paper is one of the results of the fifth cycle of FEPS YAN. Each of the meetings is an opportunity for the FEPS YAN to discuss the current state of their research, presenting their findings and questions both in the plenary, as also in the respective working groups.
The Provision of Public Services between New Public Management and Trade Liberalization
This paper is one of the results of the fifth cycle of FEPS YAN. Each of the meetings is an opportunity for the FEPS YAN to discuss the current state of their research, presenting their findings and questions both in the plenary, as also in the respective working groups.
Next Left, New Social Deal - 10 Strategic Proposals for the Progressives to become the Movement of the Future
Dr. Ania Skrzypek captured the most intriguing ideas articulated in the course of nearly a decade of a pan-European, interdisciplinary and multidimensional conversation.
Engaged in the Democratic, Social, and Ecological Future of Europe
The purpose of this paper is to argue that the environmental and climate change issues represents one of the most suitable policy area, where the Social Democratic members of the PES will be able to build a more coherent progressive programme.
Urbanised Migration: Rethinking the Dispersal Process to help us find a Progressive Answer to Refugee Arrivals
There are complex social, political and economic reasons that explain why many asylum seekers and refugees travelling into Europe settle in major urban centres.
From 'Homework' to 'Politics' - Some Reflections in Favour of a Eurozone Fiscal Capacity
The Maastricht Treaty has represented a major shift in the paradigm of the European integration, with the foundation of the European Union and the establishment of a new framework for a common currency.