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Eine gerechte Wirtschaftsordnung. Verteilung von Wohlstand. Steuern. Globalisierung gestalten. Regulierung von Finanzmärkten. Öffentliche Investitionen. Der Staat als Innovationsmotor. Industrie. Klein- und Mittelbetriebe.

57 Beiträge

#04 Gespräch - mit Sigrid Stagl

#04 Gespräch - mit Sigrid Stagl

Klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung: Wenige Gewinner, viele Verlierer

#01 Gespräch - mit Stephan Schulmeister

#01 Gespräch - mit Stephan Schulmeister

Kann es einen guten Kapitalismus geben?

The Provision of Public Services between New Public Management and Trade Liberalization

The Provision of Public Services between New Public Management and Trade Liberalization

This paper is one of the results of the fifth cycle of FEPS YAN. Each of the meetings is an opportunity for the FEPS YAN to discuss the current state of their research, presenting their findings and questions both in the plenary, as also in the respective working groups.

From 'Homework' to 'Politics' - Some Reflections in Favour of a Eurozone Fiscal Capacity

From 'Homework' to 'Politics' - Some Reflections in Favour of a Eurozone Fiscal Capacity

The Maastricht Treaty has represented a major shift in the paradigm of the European integration, with the foundation of the European Union and the establishment of a new framework for a common currency.

Global Challenges and their Impact on the Middle East

Global Challenges and their Impact on the Middle East

Insights from the Conference on "Europe and the Middle East: A New Era in Institutional Management of Peace, Security, and Economic Development"

Capital and Labour in the post-crisis European Context: Distributional, Institutional and Political Considerations

Capital and Labour in the post-crisis European Context: Distributional, Institutional and Political Considerations

Declining or stagnant wages, the attitude of the European Commission and beneficial tax systems for capital lead on several levels to a weakening position not only of middle and lower class interests but also their institutionalized representatives, i.e. trade unions and progressive parties.

Monetary v. Economic Policy: A Bug in the Maastricht Design?

Monetary v. Economic Policy: A Bug in the Maastricht Design?

With an  order issued  on  14  January 2014, the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC), for the first time in its history, referred a question to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for a preliminary ruling under Article 267(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).