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Der Kampf um Gleichstellung. Frauenpolitik. Emanzipation. Frauenrechte. Frauenarmut. Feministische Ökonomie. Gewaltschutz. Identität. Diversität. Intersektionalität. Geschichte der Frauenbewegung.

34 Beiträge

Zur Rolle der Frauenpolitik

Zur Rolle der Frauenpolitik

Vortrag von Gabriella Hauch, Professorin für Geschichte der Neuzeit-, Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte an der Universität Wien, im Rahmen des 15jährigen Jubiläums der RI-Frauenakademie.

What Impact have Post-crisis Public Policies had on Gender Equality in EU Member States?

What Impact have Post-crisis Public Policies had on Gender Equality in EU Member States?

Gender equality is a key tenet of the progressive agenda in Europe. Developing and adopting policies aimed at reducing the gaps between men and women is not just a good in of itself, but also for the future economic and social development of our societies.

Conservatives vs. the "Culture of Death"

Conservatives vs. the "Culture of Death"

Transnational anti-gender mobilizations emerged almost simultaneously throughout the years 2012- 2013 all over Europe, seriously challenging women’s and minorities' rights, and attempting to undermine the very foundations of liberal democracy.

Women, refugees, solidarity

Women, refugees, solidarity

Im Rahmen des 2. Barbara-Prammer-Symposium analysierte die Generaldirektorin der International Develompent Law Organization (IDLO), Irene Khan aktuelle Fragen zum Thema Frauen auf der Flucht.