34 Beiträge
Zur Rolle der Frauenpolitik
Vortrag von Gabriella Hauch, Professorin für Geschichte der Neuzeit-, Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte an der Universität Wien, im Rahmen des 15jährigen Jubiläums der RI-Frauenakademie.
What Impact have Post-crisis Public Policies had on Gender Equality in EU Member States?
Gender equality is a key tenet of the progressive agenda in Europe. Developing and adopting policies aimed at reducing the gaps between men and women is not just a good in of itself, but also for the future economic and social development of our societies.
Conservatives vs. the "Culture of Death"
Transnational anti-gender mobilizations emerged almost simultaneously throughout the years 2012- 2013 all over Europe, seriously challenging women’s and minorities' rights, and attempting to undermine the very foundations of liberal democracy.
Women, refugees, solidarity
Im Rahmen des 2. Barbara-Prammer-Symposium analysierte die Generaldirektorin der International Develompent Law Organization (IDLO), Irene Khan aktuelle Fragen zum Thema Frauen auf der Flucht.